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Lost Again This Time Deliver Victory

Progressive candidates are winning. The pandemic increased support for "Medicare for all." What does Mr. Sanders make of it? "He may feel a little bit similar Moses."

Senator Bernie Sanders is no longer the defiant insurgent he was in 2016.
Credit... Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Bernie Sanders, stoop-shouldered in his navy-blue accommodate jacket, adjusted his chair and stared into the camera every bit the livestream began this calendar month. He bobbed and jabbed both fists in the air, verklempt. He smiled.

Then with a boxing announcer's rumbling crescendo, he introduced 3 protégés who had recently won their primaries, including the activist Cori Bush.

"And concluding only certainly not least, nosotros have the heroine of the moment. … from St. Louis Missourrrrrri…."

It has been four months since Mr. Sanders concluded his entrada for president. Since then, progressive candidates have notched in one case-improbable primary victories against longtime Democratic incumbents. Each member of the so-called Squad, the group of progressive women of color in the House, will virtually certainly return to Washington. The coronavirus pandemic has revitalized back up nationwide for progressive policy proposals including "Medicare for all."

Only this is non 2016. While Mr. Sanders nominally lent his support to Hillary Clinton at this signal four years ago, he never stopped arguing that he had been mistreated in the chief — that the election was rigged and the unabridged political organisation was, as well — an air of grievance that his followers took with them to the convention floor.

That 2016 gathering was overshadowed by hacked emails from D.Northward.C. accounts showing party officials eager to help Mrs. Clinton and undercut Mr. Sanders — a revelation that left the party's Clinton and Sanders wings deeply divided and confirmed the longstanding complaints of bias from the Vermont senator.

Mr. Sanders is nonetheless stubborn, withal passionate and all the same convinced he would have fabricated the all-time president. But this year, he also appears to be something else: at peace.


Credit... Erin Schaff/The New York Times

"I understand we do not agree with Joe Biden on all of the problems — believe me, I know that, I ran against Joe Biden," he told hundreds of delegates on a call last month. "Merely at this moment, what nosotros need to do is appoint in coalition politics with the goal of defeating Trump."

Allies say the success of other progressives, similar Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, has possibly lifted some of the weight off his shoulders. He appreciates that so many inside the party have embraced at least the spirit of his ideas — including universal wellness care, eliminating student debt, and making public colleges and universities tuition-costless — even as he remains frustrated with the pace of modify.

He sees his accost to the virtual Autonomous convention as a pivotal moment to summarize the arc of progressive gains. He plans to evangelize the address live from Burlington, Vt., though there will exist a prerecorded version likewise in case there are technical difficulties. He will have an viii-infinitesimal time slot. He is writing the speech communication by hand, on his customary yellow legal pad.

"He may feel a niggling bit like Moses," said Barney Frank, the now-retired liberal congressman from Massachusetts, comparing Mr. Sanders to the biblical figure who, it is written, led his people to the Promised State but could not enter information technology himself. "And that's a reaction he's entitled to have."

Like Mr. Sanders, the political party's left flank has also been far more than sanguine in its approach to the general election than it was last time. Though some of his delegates accept refused to back the Democratic Party platform, arguing that it does not get in enough especially on health care, progressives have largely taken their cues from him and fallen in line. Fifty-fifty those well-nigh disenchanted with Mr. Biden appear largely intent on backing him in Nov.

Their acceptance has perhaps never been clearer than it was final week after Mr. Biden announced that he had selected Senator Kamala Harris every bit his running mate. Many progressive activists, organizers and elected officials had hoped Mr. Biden would elevate one of their ideological allies, but they still largely applauded his choice and reiterated that their highest priority was ousting President Trump.

By most measures, information technology is this overwhelming desire to defeat Mr. Trump that helps explicate why the Autonomous Party does not expect Sanders loyalists to be as disruptive to the electoral prospects of the party's nominee equally they were in 2016. Mr. Sanders is now keenly aware of the electoral ability his loyal backers wield, and that their support for Mr. Biden could be a cardinal factor in beating Mr. Trump. Never again, aides say, does he want to inspire the kind of divisiveness that some in the political party still blame for the election of Mr. Trump. (Some detractors also see sexism in this more conciliatory approach, suggesting that his supporters harbored especially visceral disdain for Mrs. Clinton because she was a woman.)

And while Mr. Sanders's backers notwithstanding bemoan the quick coalescence of his more moderate rivals behind Mr. Biden after the South Carolina principal, information technology is harder to assert that the process was rigged. After all, it seemed briefly as if Mr. Sanders would win.

After a strong showing in Iowa and a victory in New Hampshire, Mr. Sanders, then considered a front-runner, ran away with the Nevada caucuses. "We accept simply put together a multigenerational, multiracial coalition, which is not only going to win in Nevada, information technology's going to sweep the state," he told an exultant crowd in San Antonio that February night. He predicted a victory in Texas the side by side month.

That victory did not come, one of a string of losses on Super Tuesday that ground his momentum to a halt. Sidelined by the pandemic soon after, he surrendered the race to Mr. Biden. "I cannot in expert conscience keep to mount a campaign that cannot win," he said at the time, "and which would interfere with the important work required of all of the states in this hard hour."

Sanders supporters say the swiftness with which his supporters have united behind Mr. Biden is a testament to how Mr. Sanders has approached this entire 2nd presidential bid. They point in particular to his decision to exit the race in early April, before the race could become acrimonious, then almost immediately dorsum Mr. Biden.

Information technology was a striking departure from 2016, when he remained in the race even afterward it became increasingly articulate he would not win. He did not endorse Mrs. Clinton until days before the convention, a decision that she and her aides maintain came too late and was too dutiful and halfhearted to unify the party backside her. (Mr. Sanders and his associates, past contrast, frequently note that he and Mr. Biden are friends.)

"I do think he's certainly playing the political role that y'all would ask him to play," said Faiz Shakir, who served as Mr. Sanders's campaign manager for his 2d presidential bid.

The 2 sides are as well in relatively frequent contact. Mr. Sanders has asked Mr. Shakir to stay engaged with the Biden campaign, and Mr. Sanders and Mr. Biden themselves speak periodically.


Credit... Chang Due west. Lee/The New York Times

And few in the party would deny Mr. Sanders's enduring influence.

"He stuck his neck out really, actually far when other people wouldn't," said Ms. Bush, a progressive activist who beat a longtime Firm incumbent in her Democratic primary this month in St. Louis. "Other people were doing it a niggling here, a little at that place. And he but jumped all in — both feet, all the way up to his head."

Ms. Bush-league said she would recollect of Mr. Sanders — "Uncle Bernie" — as her guide, though she as well now intends to follow her own path.

"I'thousand expecting to be able to turn to Bernie to mentor me, but besides be someone who is going to still want Cori to be Cori and not try to plow me into someone that I'chiliad not," she said.

Since dropping out of the race, Mr. Sanders has focused on maintaining a visible public persona via livestream, using the infrastructure he built up during his campaign. He has endorsed progressives, including Ms. Bush. He has expressed interest in finding ways to back up the new group of progressives in the House.

Amid some younger progressives, he is now regarded more as a wise elder than a crusading candidate for future function.

"I call back younger people who have been successful in electoral politics this cycle run across this moment as theirs and in fact are snatching the torch," said Mondaire Jones, a 33-twelvemonth-erstwhile progressive lawyer who won a Democratic Firm master in New York.

When Mr. Sanders called to endorse Mr. Jones before his primary in June, the 2 men talked about the Democratic primary, and Mr. Jones said he had been sad when Mr. Sanders dropped out. Simply so many young Sanders supporters had then migrated to help him, Mr. Jones said, that it ended up that it concluded up benefiting his campaign.

"It actually, I call up, was a transference of that energy," he said.

Those shut to Mr. Sanders propose there is more to come, that his spoken language on Monday will not be his last time he engages with electoral politics. This conviction has done goose egg to blunt the sense of wistfulness for a long political career that has most likely reached its superlative.

"I think he feels that he has washed and then much," said Representative Pramila Jayapal of Washington, a close ally of Mr. Sanders. "I hope he feels that he has done so much to build the movement and elevate these issues that never would be where they are without him."
