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Will We See You Again Soon Peter

Number the Stars | Chapter 11 : Will We Run across You Over again Soon, Peter? | Summary


Within the casket are blankets and clothes, which Peter Neilsen begins to distribute. In that location is nothing for a baby, so Mrs. Johansen gets Kirsti's scarlet sweater and gives it to the baby's mother. Peter asks the babe's weight, and—against the mother's protest—measures a liquid into a dropper and gives the solution to her to give to the babe so the baby sleeps and won't make dissonance past crying. Annemarie's mother gives each person a bundle of food containing apples, cheese, and bread. Peter gives a parcel to Mr. Rosen, telling him it must become to Uncle Henrik. Mr. Rosen puts it in his pocket, but he doesn't ask what it is.

Peter takes the kickoff grouping, the erstwhile man and the young couple with the baby. He instructs Mrs. Johansen to expect twenty minutes, and and so bring the Rosens. After he says his goodbyes, he leaves. A bit afterwards the erstwhile man stumbles on the path outside, and Peter helps him. Mrs. Johansen notes that all the sometime man injured was his pride, which causes Annemarie to ponder pride and what it means.


The chapter further humanizes the people who are fleeing. At that place are young families and the elderly. Neighbors and the Rosens are in that location. These are not strangers, not simply faces or names who are leaving Denmark. They have lost everything material—homes, businesses, and possessions. They are accepting the help of strangers, risking their lives to go to a new country, and yet they are not defeated. They take warm dress and food, much as they take the assist of the Resistance to escape the Nazis.

Despite all of these dangers, they stand with forcefulness and courage. They have non lost their pride, nor their hope or faith. Lowry represents the victimized here as resilient, stubborn, strong people. This is washed, in part, by way of the Rosen family. It is also done here in this section of the novel by developing characters' personalities that are nevertheless barely known to readers, such as Peter Neilsen and Uncle Henrik. These 2 men are caring and sensitive, as well as committed and brave, risking their lives in the face of not bad danger. Mr. Rosen wonders what Peter has given him in the bundle simply knows he should not inquire or await to run across what it is. All those getting on Uncle Henrik'south boat to escape to Sweden know the risks involved. Lowry's writing makes this articulate.

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